From the Terraces - Mark Carlaw

Fan blogger Mark Carlaw reviews Saturday's defeat at Arsenal

Fan blogger Mark Carlaw reviews Saturday's defeat at Arsenal...

Arsenal pain - again

That really was a painful one. In fact it hurt more that Madonnas backside after the Brits!

It was once a case (like much of this second half of the season) of 'so near, yet oh so far'. We fight, create, and look decent - yet somehow we walk away with another defeat to get over.

Usually a 3-0 defeat would have me feeling shame and possibly anger towards our team, yet I this is not the case - I'm feeling proud.

West Ham did not deserve to lose this match. We played well, and Arsenal know in their hearts that the 3-0 scoreline seriously flattered them. In fact anybody who watches Match of the Day will tell you the same!

But here we are again. Licking our wounds after another disappointing trip to the Emirates.

Arsenal are not a team we look for when the fixtures are released and think 'three points'. They have players that can change a game in an instant. Today that was the case, and sadly we rolled over when it was game over at 2-0.

But all is not lost. Let us not fret. We are a team going places - Arsenal and the rest of the football world know West Ham are a club on the up!

Our shiny new stadium in Stratford is going to open doors for our fantastic club - & will not be too long until we look at the likes of Arsenal on the fixture list and think 'three points!'

So yes, today we walk away disappointed - but you just wait!

And that's a message that has been sent this season to all of our Premier League rivals.